Monday, February 27, 2012

Blogging via phone

Alright! Now that i've discovered i can blog via Android,i hereby declare that i shall update more regularly!
Pfft yeah right. I've said this like a million times. -.-
But optimistically speaking,if this succeeds,i'll be able to struck this off my new year's resolution list which,btw,have remained the same for like 3 years. Lol. So yeah,im glad i can do it this way. Much more convenient! :)

Phone blogging


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Food Testing. A Malaysian habit?

Me and the family were strolling through Pyramid the other day and we 'so happen' to enter this candy store. And....the sight that welcomed us was like a drought welcoming the rain, a coffee welcoming the milk and you get the picture. This...

Pretty huh? :D (Okay maybe my phone app hyped it up a little,but doesnt take away the fact that the colours didn't fail in making us smile)
THAT was not the good news though,as the saying goes;
 "Nice to see, Nice to hold, Once swallowed, Considered sold" 
Therefore, the good news was the shop assistant's nod when we asked "Can test?"
Thats it! We,of course,being the Malaysians that we are digested more that what is allocated for 'testing' AND probably only bought 1/4 of what we already consumed FOC.

I admit,this is a little embarrassing. But I simple cannot help it. I wonder if its a CULTURE that we're used to or its merely an individual's lack of self-control and excessive greed. I certainly do not want to be labelled as 
Hence, i conclude it is a Malaysian thing. Haha. Nah kidding. There would be a million situations to contradict my conclusion anyway. Like for example:

 1. The stares the shopkeepers give the patrons who walk pass the offerings for countless times but never seem to make it to the counter to pay.

2. The microteenyweeny size of the offerings. You'd be lucky if it doesn't slip through your fingers. And they actually think we'd settle for one? Usually its like "Whoops i meant to take one,but hehe,TERtook a few more."

These situations present us with parties who do not seem too pleasant with the whole 'food testing' idea. Therefore, we really can't say if its a malaysian thing. Though maybe thats the case as they are running the business and who knows whether or not they are guilty of this 'habit' elsewhere,besides working hours. 

But I would prefer to say its an individual thing. The satisfaction of being able to try a little bit of that and a little bit of this takes away the burden of being 'spoilt for choice'.

This so called theory definitely works in life,regardless of one's nationality. It doesn't only apply to food but a whole lot of things like relationships,jobs and clothes! Who doesn't try on every other dress on the rack but end up buying one. Or none. 

On the point of relationships,Id rather not elaborate. Try to apply the analogy yourself and let me know your findings ;) 
CAUTION: In no way am I encouraging people to 'test' a few guys before deciding to commit but we do form friendships before love and we do,conscious or not, secretly 'test' which one would be worth the commitment,thus,that transition from friendship -----> <3 

After all those random and probably irrelevant points, I say its not a Malaysian thing. Its human nature to adopt this 'testing' habit. *confident look*

Now that I've convinced myself, i can continue the over-testing with lesser guilt. XD