Sunday, October 3, 2010

What the HELL is Wrong With ME?

Alright, this is a HUGE confession coming from me. Im now in the school library studying with Mimo(ok, fine, was-cuz im blogging now). I've been trying to read BIOLOGY for the past what, 5 hours? and i only managed to get through 3 chapters! out of 15!!! I've read them before for previous exams but somehow, somehow, i just have to reread them everytime an exam comes around. What happen to reading the book once and remembering it till the next exam and the exams to follow? Oh, i remember! It was back when 2+2=4 and not in the world i live in now where X+Y=Z(p/s: in maths, that is) What happened to NUMBERS in Mathematics? NEXT MONTH is the BIG DAY! wish it meant THE "THE BIG DAY" as in WEDDING. but no, its SPM! Im in the midst of my JPWP trials and I vowed to nail it this time. Its still not too late but if I'm studying at this rate, i can kindly bid my A+'s goodbye and knock myself on the wall, hard. God, please give me the realisation i so freaking NEED now. "No, I dont want it to be too late" is my unspoken answer to your question, mmy and ddy. I promised, I know. And this does not mean I've broken it, breaking it nor even going to break it. I'm Going to DO IT, I HAVE TO, I NEED TO and there is absolutely NO OPTIONS! Dear God, If you have a few minutes off your hectic schedule dealing with mankind, could i request a minute? Can you make allowance for my plea? It's just a SMALL one, but it is bound to make a HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Dear God,
I know I've failed you and them before,
A forgiveness is all Im begging for,
The waves of my schooling years are approaching the shore,
I NEED REALISATION to get through SPM and score.

Lame, maybe. But its true.
Ramblings are not that fruitful aren't they....
Till another paper,
Biology I <3 U

1 comment:

Cherry Blossom said...

allysha, yeah.. you're studying hard. we'll make it.. dont worry!