Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bananas anyone?

Okay! So this one fine morning couple days back, me and my friend Teerath stopped by 7-Eleven to get some stuff. And every morning,at its counter, there would be some random fresh food on sale (yeah i know, im a frequent patron of 7E -.-") So on that day,it just had to be bananas. (Caution: please read this post with the every ounce of innocence deep within you) And as innocently as i could, i took one and examined it. It really looked gorgeous- the colour was bright and it was..errr...extraordinarily big. As  i looked up at my friend she looked at me sideways and went "You want it?"
*awkward silence*
And in the background i heard this weird sound like as if someone was trying so hard not to snort. As i turned behind, there was this tall (and i mean tall) European dude, face as red as tomato, with his hands over his mouth, giggling. And after 5 seconds of blurness, i was like O-K, *blushes* i SO did not meant it THAT way!! And my friend also said she honestly wanted to ask if i want to BUY it- or so she claims!
Anyway, i know its weird to blog a new post on something like THIS after months of silence, but oh well, i just wanted to say that the next time i see a banana, i'll try not to giggle.
That said, i still <3 bananas, split, in cakes or in shakes! (and i mean it literally and innocently!)

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